General Sewer Billing Information


The Warwick Sewer Authority (WSA) understands that there may be times when extenuating circumstances lead to higher-than-normal water usage. Examples include, broken or leaking pipes and fixtures, irrigation systems, and reseeding a lawn. Since the sewer portion of your utility bill is based on water consumption, this leads to an increase in the sewer charges. If this occurs, and it can be reasonably be proven that the excess water use did not lead to additional sewer use, you have the ability to appeal the sewer portion of your bill.

IMPORTANT NOTE-While your request is under review you are expected to pay your account in full. Submitting an appeal does not prevent the accrual of late charges or collection action. If your appeal is approved, you will receive a credit on your account. If you are unable to pay the increased sewer charges and they represent a significant financial burden, please contact the Tax Collectors office in regard to setting up a payment plan.

Appeals will be considered based on the following criteria:

-It must be reasonably proven that the excess water did not enter the sewer system.
-Proof can include, but is not limited to, documentation of damage to plumbing system, documentation of a new irrigation system, documentation of landscaping work done on the premises.
-Consumption records at the WSA must confirm that the usage for the time period in question is higher than the previous consumption for the prior years' time period.

-Documentation of the steps taken by the property owner to ensure that cause of the excess use is addressed and will be properly measured going forward.
-In regard to pipe and fixture breaks or leaks, documentation of completed repairs is needed. Repairs must be to current building codes with all proper permits in place before the work begins.
-For instances of exterior water use (irrigation systems, lawns etc.) a deduct meter must be installed to measure outside water use going forward. Contact the Warwick Sewer Authority at (401) 739-4949 for instructions on how to obtain a deduct meter or see below for the current costs and procedures. A plumbing permit is required to install a deduct meter. A permit is required to install a deduct meter.

-All plumbing work relating to the appeal must follow proper procedures. The proper permits must be pulled and, when applicable, the work must undergo the required inspection. For information regarding what requires a permit, please contact the City of Warwick Building Department at (401) 738-2007.

The appeal form can be downloaded here or obtained from the Warwick Sewer Authority.

-The appeal form needs to be completed, notarized and returned to the Warwick Sewer Authority with any supporting documentation. Failure to properly complete the form or supply any requested documentation will result in the appeal being denied.
-If requested documentation is not received within 60 days of the date that the appeal is initially submitted then the appeal will be denied.

A copy of the form can be obtained from the Warwick Sewer

Direct any questions regarding appeals to the Warwick Sewer Authority Billing Office at (401) 468-4710.

Anthony Poole-Administrative Services Manager
Warwick Sewer Authority
125 Arthur W. Devine Boulevard
Warwick, RI  02886
P (401) 468-4701
F (401) 739-1414



Your Sewer Bill - A detailed description of the information printed on your sewer bill

Pay Your Bill Online - You will be redirected to the City of Warwick's online payment website

Deduct Meter Policy - Deduct Meters are for non-sewered outside water use such as sprinkler systems. Water usage is billed separately.  For the current Deduct Meter procedures and price list CLICK HERE

Assessment Deferment Circuit Breaker Program - Warwick residents that are on the Circuit Breaker Program are entitled to defer their sewer assessment payments until such time as they no longer qualify for the Circuit Breaker Program or sell their property.

Real Estate Closing Form for Water and Sewer Charges - Closing Request form for Water and Sewer

Rate Study - On May 25, 2017, the WSA Board of Directors met and approved the implementation of the “2017 Rate Study” and “Changes to Sewer Usage Charges” for Fiscal Years 2017-2021, as defined in the attachments below. Changes to Sewer usage charges

History of User Fees (1966 - Present)